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Registering Resource


Brainlife provides a mechanism to make a computing resource, such as a Cloud compute system or a high-performance computing cluster, available to specific user, projects or user defined groups. By default, shared compute resources are available to all users where most of Brainlife apps are enabled.

As Brainlife's default resources are available by all users, often users must wait on the queue for requested tasks to get executed. You can register your own compute resources for the following use cases.

  1. You have access to your own HPC resource, and you'd like to use it to run Brainlife apps, for better performance, or better access control.
  2. You are an app developer and you'd like to use your own resource to troubleshoot your apps on your own resource, for easier debugging.
  3. You are an app developer and your app can only run on specialized resources (like Hadoop, Spark, etc..) that Brainlife's shared resources do not provide.

Currently, only Brainlife admin can share personal resources with other members. If you wish to share your resources, please contact Brainlife Admin


Resource owner decides which apps are allowed to run on their resource. If you register a resource and enable apps on it, only you can run those apps on that resource. If you are publishing your app, and you want all users to be able to execute your app, please contact Brainlife Admin to enable your app on Brainlife default resources.


Although we do our best to limit access to your dataset on shared resources, we recommend registering your own resource for added security especially if you are planning to process sensitive data. We currently do not allow any datasets with PHI (protected health information).

Registering Resources

To register your resource, go to Brainlife Settings page, and Under "HPC Systems" click "Add New Account". A resource entry form should appear. Please populate the following fields.

  • Name Enter the name of rhe resource
  • Hostname The hostname of your compute resource (usually a login/submit host)
  • Username Username used to ssh to this resource
  • Workdir Directory used to stage and store generated datasets by apps. You should not share the same directory with other resources. Please make sure that the specified directory exits (mkdir if not).
  • SSH Public Key: Copy the content of this key to your resource's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Please read authorized_keys for more detail.

You can leave the rest of the fields empty for now.

Click OK. Once you are finished with copying ssh key and make sure the workdir exists, click "Test" button to see if Brainlife can access your resource. You should see a green checkbox if everything is good.

Configuring Resources

Once you register your resource, you will need to perform a few things to prepare your resource so that Brainlife can successfully execute Brainlife apps.

ABCD Default Hooks

ABCD Hooks are used to start, stop and monitor apps on remote resources. Some app provides its own hooks, but many of them relies on default hooks that are installed on each resource. As a resource provider, you need to provide these default hooks and make them available by setting $PATH. If you are not sure how to write these scripts, you can install and use Brainlife's default ABCD hooks by doing following.

cd ~
git clone

Then, add one of following to your ~/.bashrc

For PBS cluster

export PATH=~/abcd-spec/hooks/pbs:$PATH

For Slurm cluster

export PATH=~/abcd-spec/hooks/slurm:$PATH

For direct execution - no batch submission manager

export PATH=~/abcd-spec/hooks/direct:$PATH

Common Binaries

Brainlife expects certain binaries to be installed on all resources. Please make sure following commands are installed.

  • jq (command line json parser commonly used by Brainlife apps to parse config.json)
  • git (used to clone / update apps installed)
  • singularity (user level container execution engine)

For IU HPC resource, please feel free to use following ~/bin directory which contains jq

$ ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/N/u/brlife/Carbonate/bin

For singularity, you can either install it on the system, or for most HPC systems you can simply add following in your ~/.modules file.

module load singularity

By default, singularity uses user's home directory to cache docker images (and /tmp to create a merged container image to run). If you have limited amount of home directory space, you should override these directories by adding the following in your .bashrc

export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/N/dc2/scratch/<username>/singularity-cachedir

Please replace with your username, and make sure specified directories exists.

Other ENV parameters

Depending on the app you are trying to run, some app may require additional ENV parameters. For example, brain-life/app-freesurfer requires you to provide your freesurfer license via FREESURFER_LICENSE.

export FREESURFER_LICENSE=" 29511 *xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx"

Enabling Apps

Once you have registered and tested your resource, you can now enable apps to run on your resource.

Go back to the Brainlife's resource settings page, and click the resource you have created. Under the services section, enter the git org/repo name (such as like brain-life/app-life) for the app that you'd like to enable, and the score for each service. The higher the score is, the more likely the resource will be chosen to run your app (if there are multiple resources available). Brainlife gives higher score for resources that you own (not shared ones), you should leave it the default of 10 unless it's competing with other resource that you have access to. Click OK.

You can see which resource an app is configured to run, and which resource will be chosen when you submit it under App detail / Computing Resources section on Brainlife. example
